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브루나이 국가 의료회의 참석자 추천

  • 작성일1998-12-28 16:31
  • 조회수13,005
  • 담당자 건강증진과
  • 담당부서건강증진과
  • 전화번호503-7538,39
  • 기간 ~
브루나이 국가 의료회의 참석자 추천 주한 브루나이 대사관은 아래와 같이 제1차 브루나이 국가 의료회의가 개최될 예정임을 알려온 바. 동 회의에 참석할 희망자를 '99.1.20(수)까지 우리실로 통보하여 주시기 바랍니다. - 아 래 - 0 회 의 명 : 제1차 브루나이 국가 의료회의 (the First National Medical Convention) 0 개최시기 및 장소 : '99.2.20(토)-21(일), Bandar Seri Begawan 0 회의주제 : Ethics, Standard and Quality in Health Care 첨부 : 회의일정. 끝. Programme Saturday, 20 February 1999 07 : 00 - 07 : 45 PM Registration 07 : 45 PM Seating of participants and guests 08 : 00 PM Arrival of the Guest of Honour Welcoming address by the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Health Yang Mulia Dato Seri Laila Jasa Haji Abmad bin Dato Paduka Matnor Declaration of the opeining of the First National Medical Convention by The Honourable Acting Minister of Health Yang Berbormat Pebin Orang Kaya Laila Wijaya Dato Seri Setia Yang Mulia Dato Seri Laila Jasa Haji Abmad bin Dato Paduka Matnor Paduka Haji Awang Umar Keynote Lecture "Creating Standards for Quality Care" Dr Pilar Ossorio (United States of America) Dinner hosted by The Honourable Acting Minister of Health Yang Berbormat Pebin Orang Kaya Laila Wijaya Dato Seri Setia Haji Awang Abdul Aziz bin Pebin Udana Kbatib Dato Seri Paduka Jaji Awang Umar Programme Sunday, 21 February 1999 Scientific Chairman - Dr Haji Affendy bin Dato Paduka Haji Abidin 08 : 15 - 08 : 30 AM "Priorities in Health Care Services for the Next Millennium in Brunei Darussalam" Yang Mulia Dr Haji Latif bin Jaji Ibrabim Director of Health and Medical Services Ministry of Health, Brunei Darussalam. 08 : 30 - 09 : 10 AM Keynote Lecture "Essential Communication Skills for Doctors and Common Causes of Failure" Professor H. Rigter (The Netherlands) 09 : 10 - 09 : 50 AM Keynote Lecture "The Clinical Relationship - Truthfullness and Trust" Professor R. Gillan (United Kingdom) 09 : 50 - 10 : 30 AM "AUTONOMY, Informed Consent and Refusal of Treatment" Dr Pilar Ossorio (United States of America) 10 : 30 - 10 : 50 AM Tea/Coffee Break Scientific Chairman - Dr N. Ravindranathan 10 : 50 - 11 : 30 AM "Life, Death, Dying and Killing" Professor R. Gillan (United Kingdom) 11 : 30 - 12 : 10 PM "Medical and Ethical Aspects of Screening for Signs of Disease" Professor H. Rigter (The Netherlands) 12 : 10 - 12 : 40 PM "Open Forum" - Morning Session Moderators : Dr Haji Affendy bin Dato Paduka Haji Abidin and Dr N. Ravindranathan 12 : 40 - 01 : 50 PM Lunch Break Scientific Chairman - Dr Haji Affendy bin Dato Paduka Haji Abidin 01 : 50 - 02 : 30 PM "Looking Glasses and Mirrors" Dr Desmond P.J. Barton (United Kingdom) 02 : 30 - 03 : 10 PM "Ethical Issues in Reproductive Technologies" Professor H. Rigter (The Netherlands) 03 : 10 - 03 : 50 PM "Dilemmas in Medical Information Privacy" Dr Pilar Ossorio (United States of America) 03 : 50 - 04 : 10 PM Tea/Coffee Break Scientific Chairman - Dr N. Ravindranathan 04 : 10 - 05 : 00 PM Keynote Lecture "Rhymes and Reasons, Rulers and Regulators" Dr Desmond P.J. Barton (United Kingdom) 12 : 10 - 12 : 40 PM "Open Forum" - Afternoon Session Moderators : Dr Haji Affendy bin Dato Paduka Haji Abidin and Dr N. Ravindranathan