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Press Release

Government Develops Suicide Prevention Measures in Response to Increased Suicide Deaths

  • Regdate2024-06-14 18:29
  • Hit556

Government Develops Suicide Prevention Measures in Response to Increased Suicide Deaths from January to March 2024


- Prime Minister Han Duck-soo presides over the 8th Suicide Prevention Policy Committee meeting and appoints civilian members (June 14) -


- Need for media cooperation on reporting to prevent copycat suicides inspired by celebrities -


Providing financial support for treatment costs for young suicide attempt survivors,

regardless of income level -


Highlights of Recent Suicide Trends Analysis and Response Measures


In response to the increase in suicide deaths in 2023 and from January to March 2024*, the government has conducted an analysis of the causes and reviewed and supplemented suicide prevention policies


* Number of suicide deaths: (2021) 13,352 (2022) 12,906 (2023 preliminary) 13,770 (January 2024 preliminary) 1,321 (33.8% increase year on year) (February 2024 preliminary) 1,185 (11.6% increase year on year) (March 2024 preliminary) 1,288 (1.7% increase year on year)


1. Copycat Suicides: The media are urged to comply with the "Suicide Reporting Guidelines 3.0" to avoid reporting methods, locations, and motives of celebrity deaths, as such reports have triggered copycat suicides.


2. Increase in Repeat Suicide Attempts: Aftercare will be strengthened by supporting treatment costs for young people who agree to mental health case management services, regardless of income level.


3. Increase in Suicides in Specific Regions: An alert system will be established for regions experiencing a surge in suicides. Local governments will be urged to implement tailored measures for responsible suicide prevention policies.

4. Depression, Anxiety, and Economic Hardship Post-COVID-19: A routine mental health care system will be established using psychological counseling vouchers. There will be direct linkages between financial and employment service providers and mental health welfare centers to address complex needs.


5. Suicide Perceived as an Option: From July 2024, mandatory suicide prevention education will be introduced for central and local governments, and primary and secondary schools to improve awareness through effective education.


6. Lack of Data on Causes of Suicide: Policy evidence will be strengthened by integrating relevant data to analyze detailed causes of suicide deaths, including economic factors and data on welfare credit and health.




The Korean government held the 8th "Suicide Prevention Policy Committee" meeting, presided over by Prime Minister Han Duck-soo, on June 14 (Friday) at 2 PM in the Grand Conference Room of the Government Complex Seoul. During the meeting, the government announced the "Recent Suicide Trends and Countermeasures" and reviewed the "Amendment Plan (Draft) for the Notification on Hazardous Objects Used for Suicide" and the "2023 Evaluation Results of Implementation Plans by Cities and Provinces."


Recognizing the severe trend of increasing suicide deaths in 2023 and from January to March 2024, the government analyzed the causes of this increase, developed countermeasures, and presented the "Recent Suicide Trends and Countermeasures."


Firstly, the results show that suicide deaths increased in January and February 2024 due to copycat suicides. According to the "Suicide Reporting Guidelines 3.0*," it is recommended not to report specific methods, tools, locations, or motives of suicides, but violations of these guidelines have triggered imitation suicides. The government strongly urged the media to recognize the social impact of their reports and adhere to the guidelines. Additionally, the guidelines will be updated to reflect changes in the social environment, extending their application to independent media creators beyond newspapers and broadcasters.


* Jointly prepared by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Journalists Association of Korea since July 2018


Secondly, the government will enhance aftercare to prevent repeated suicide attempts or deaths by suicide, as the number of repeat suicide attempts increased from January to March 2024 compared to the previous year. Young people who agree to mental health case management will receive financial support for physical injuries and psychiatric treatment costs resulting from suicide attempts, regardless of their income level*.


* Currently, support is provided for those with an income below 120% of the median income


Thirdly, an alert system will be established to notify local governments on trends in cities/provinces/counties/districts where suicide deaths have increased significantly in a short period. Local governments will develop and implement tailored measures accordingly, to ensure responsible suicide prevention policies.


Fourthly, factors such as prolonged social isolation and economic difficulties due to COVID-19, and increased depression and anxiety were found to directly and indirectly affect the number of suicide deaths. By expanding direct linkages among the Employment-Welfare Plus Center (providing employment services), the One-Stop Credit Support Center (offering inclusive financial services), and the Mental Health Welfare Center (providing mental health services), the government will promptly share information on high-risk groups and respond to complex policy demands more effectively.


Meanwhile, the Committee reviewed the "Amendment Plan (Draft) for the Notification on Hazardous Objects Used for Suicide" and newly designated sodium nitrite*, which has been increasingly used recently, as a hazardous object used for suicide. As a result of reviewing the "Evaluation Results of Implementation Plans by Cities and Provinces," Incheon Metropolitan City, Chungcheongnam-do Province, and Daegu Metropolitan City received high ratings.


* Sodium nitrite, a white powder, is mainly used as a preservative and color fixative in processed foods. Even in small amounts, it can be fatal. Recently, it has been reported as a new method of suicide in countries such as Australia and Japan. ///
