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Press Release

Korea Rejoins the WHO Executive Board One Year After Its Previous Term Completion

  • Regdate2024-06-05 16:02
  • Hit127

Korea Rejoins the WHO Executive Board

One Year After Its Previous Term Completion


- Korea will play a pivotal role in WHO’s decision-making,

representing the Western Pacific region for the next three years -


- 2nd Vice Minister of Health and Welfare Park Minsoo attends the 155th WHO Executive Board meeting (June 34) and discusses ways to strengthen cooperation including through meetings with WHOs Assistant Director-General for External Relations and Governance

and Executive Board member of Australia -


The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW, Minister Cho KyooHong) announced that the 2nd Vice Minister Park Minsoo attended the 155th session of the Executive Board meeting of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland, for two days from Monday, June 3 to Tuesday, June 4, as the Executive Board member for the Republic of Korea.


The WHO Executive Board is composed of 34 member states serving three-year terms. Currently, the Western Pacific region is represented by five countries: Korea, Brunei, Australia, China, and Micronesia.


* Executive Board for the Western Pacific(2024~2027): Korea (May 2024May 2027), Brunei (May 2024May 2027), Australia (May 2023May 2026), China (May 2022May 2025), Micronesia (May 2022May 2025).


This marks the eighth time Korea has served as an Executive Board member since joining WHO in 1949 and the first time it has rejoined the board just one year after the previous term ended. Korea will play a pivotal role in WHO’s decision-making processes, representing the Western Pacific region until its term completion in May 2027.


The Executive Board convenes annually (twice a year in January and June) to review WHO’s key strategies, operational plans, budgets, financial statements, and administrative and governance agenda, and reports the outcomes to the World Health Assembly (once a year in May).


During this Executive Board meeting, 2nd Vice Minister Park Minsoo participated in discussions on key agenda such as the results of the 77th World Health Assembly, the Programme, Budget and Administration Committee (PBAC), and the Standing Committee on Health Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response (SCHEPPR). Additionally, he held bilateral meetings with Catharina Boehme, WHO’s Assistant Director-General for External Relations and Governance, and Blair Exell, Australia’s Executive Board Member, to exchange views on major global health agenda such as the Pandemic Treaty and the Investment Rounds, and to explore ways to strengthen cooperation as Executive Board members.


2nd Vice Minister Park Minsoo stated, “As an Executive Board member for the next three years, Korea will share its experiences to contribute to strengthening the global health system and continue collaborating with other Executive Board members and member states.” ///
